Saturday, February 21, 2009

Greed is good

Greed can be good in some ways but it can hurt you also. To me greed means wanting something more than others. When you apply for a job you have to be greedy to get the job if you don’t want the job the most chances are it is going to show in the interview and you will not get hired somebody else who wanted I more will. You also want to be greedy went it comes to your family, you want to provide for them the best that you can and by being greedy when it comes to pay or time at work you can do that. The person that goes into a job and doesn’t fight for a bigger pay check is going to get the minimum wage and if you don’t work all the hour you are given or even more if asked you are going to be going home with less than you could have.
Then there is bad greed like we saw in the move. When you are out just to make money no matter what the expense it can come back to get you. "Executive who new the firm was heading for bankruptcy were queitly selling their share of stock while encouraging employees to retain and even buy additional share" Essential of Business Law Anthony L Liuzzo pg 18.People who sell a company just to get the big pay check but don’t care about the people that lost their jobs or everything they had because of the buyout. When that person goes to get a new job or a new investment may get turned away because of what happened at their last company.

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